So I'm sure there is a ghost in this room and its making my sleep a wee bit uncomfortable. Yesterday morning I was woken up by the sound of someone walking - well more sliding their feet - up to the side of my bed. I thought it was theBoy, turned, and of course, no one was there. Last night, I was tossing and turning thinking about how this person or thing would return. After sleeping on my side for some time, I turned onto my back, opened my eyes, and soon after the room was full of bright light. EEEEEK. Was it a truck nearby, a neighbor's light? Nope. It was my cell phone. The light turned on as if someone was calling or sending a text, but there was neither. That was good enough to freak me out and I was one "event" away from sleeping outdoors last night.
In related news I had a dream this morning that I was walking down a hall with one of my brothers. We stopped at a table piled with ham sandwiches on white bread. The lazy looking guy sitting on the only sofa in the big room got up for a sandwich too. I decided not to, then saw a delicious looking fig, which got bigger and more complex as I opened it. It turned into some big black thing which convinenently had writtten on it that it was part of the corn family. I kept peeling it open. I ripped open a big pod, which instantly turned into a plastic to-go container, and in it was a pile of nickle sized brown bean-chip things. Of course by then it was a party for my dad, and we had tons of food, which I had to move out of my trunk (we must've moved outdoors) because I didn't want people dropping food in the trunk. My dad praised everyone for planning the party so far in advance (one day according to dream conversations). I don't know. That's all I remember now.