Thursday, November 19, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009


Sometimes you're just going for a walk.  Or sometimes you've got an itinerary.  But you find yourself having walked pretty far in one direction and there's no bus or subway or car coming to get you.

And you may be tired.  And you may be sick of walking.  And you realize that as tired as you are, as bored of walking as you are, the only way you are going to get anywhere is to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

And that's walking.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I am coming out of hibernation

I've been neglecting this blog, and other things. Hibernating, settling in, working 6-7 days a week. I do believe its time to come out of hibernation.

I passed a man this morning carrying a sign that the world will end on May 21st, 2011, or May 11, 2012. Not much time left. Oughta wake up about now.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Plane Crash

A plane crashed into the Hudson River yesterday.  My office has a panoramic view of the Hudson, 38 floors up, and we were sitting at the conference table next to the window when it happened, literally right in front of us.  Somehow we managed to not notice a jet plane crashing into the river.

We did get to see the tail of the plane still above water, surrounded by cruise ships and ferries.  Everyone got out alive and hardly wet I hear.  Which makes me think, if I was there I could have set my facebook status on my phone to read, "on top of a sinking airplane in the Hudson river".