Friday, May 9, 2008

subsidization , tracy chapman, and badu

Going to the subway today I saw this guy lurking by the fare gates. After I paid he got really close to me and tried to sneak in behind me, since the Boston gates stay open for about half an hour after you walk through. I stopped so he couldn't go through, turned around, and told him I'm not subsidizing his trip. He had this stupid look on his face and mumbled, "stubuizide?". What an idiot. I made the train, he didn't. That was very satisfying. Next time I will yell it really loud.

While I was having coffee with the ass bandit on Boylston this afternoon, we saw the Tracy Chapman lookalike from The Roots walking around with his guitar. He must've been lost because he walked by us 3x.

Later I got a call that someone bailed on their ticket to the Roots/Erykah Badu concert tonight....So I got to see more tracy chapman, dancing and singing it up. the roots are the best opening band ever, the only hiphop/jam band......questlove gained a ton of weight, weird weight too, he looked like a cartoon...badu was aweesomee, very sexy, even when she pulled the wig off...she was doing alot of experimental goofy stuff, just to fool around I of the backup singers is her sister, looks just like her except with breasteses...and what have you.

1 comment:

SLA said...

Did the Tracy Chapman lookalike point at you and say "I know you!"