Sunday, February 17, 2008

I got in a fight with the Yakuza

I noticed that since I got back to Boston that girls are checking out my bandaged up fist. It only occurred to me now that maybe people think I got into some vicious fight. Yup, I got into a brawl with the Yakuza in Shinjuku. The guy in the middle tried to smack me with his dong sack, which was actually full of 100 yen coins. I karate chopped it down and split open my knuckles.



SLA said...

Yeah, you should lie and say you beat up some dude who was harrassing some woman... that would get you points with the ladies

wtf said...

Yes I saved a virgin from being sacrificed....
Just took the stitches this morning. Do chicks dig scars on the knuckles?